I want to share some really cool side hustle ideas that will help you make some extra cash so you can improve your finances and live a better life.
Recently, I have had a lot of people come to me and say “Gem, I really want to do what do you, but I don’t have any extra money to spare to invest in myself”
This is so relatable because not so long ago that was me!
A LOT has changed and NOW more than ever, people need ways to add streams of income to their households.
So I wanted to share some NEW, cool ways that you can make some extra money fast.
And heck, you might even like these so much that you end up making a new career out of them today, I’m giving you Resourceful Ways To Come Up With Resources To Start a Business, Buy A Course Or Invest In Yourself.
This will help you tap into the ability to figure out a way to come up with the money you need as well as the ideas and ways to actually raise the funds.
Whether you’re looking for an entirely new career or just a way to earn extra income, you’ll love these side hustle ideas to earn extra income or even start a new career.
In this day and age technology has created more opportunities than we could have ever imagined.
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Of Course www.gemzlifestyle.com encourages you to create multiple streams of income, so let’s dive right in…
Side Hustle Ideas – #1 Airbnb experiences
This is probably one of my favourite side hustle ideas.
I know that we’ve probably all heard about Airbnb, right?
Well…this isn’t renting out your home… this is called Airbnb Experiences and it doesn’t require you to rent your space.
I remember when my sister and I went to Italy together we did a whole bunch of Airbnb Experiences.
Basically how it works is that you post an experience in your hometown for people to pay money to be a part of.
My sister and I did cooking classes and we went to somebody’s house to learn how to make pasta.
We cooked it up and even had it with some wine.
We paid like 50 or 60 pounds to be a part of this experience.
So there’s actually some pretty good money depending on what it is that you want to do.
You could do bike tours, hiking tours, or even a food tour.
You know your city or area best and if it’s frequently visited, you could put an experience together for people. So what I would recommend that you do is to research Airbnb Experiences. Get some ideas that you could create an experience around for people coming to your town and then put it up on Airbnb.
It’s a phenomenal way to make some extra cash.
Side Hustle Ideas – #2 Virtual Services
The second way is to post your virtual services.
There are things that you’re already good at.
Whether it be writing, editing or social media posting or social media commenting.
Or maybe you’re in graphic design or website design.
Think of any virtual work that you could do for other business owners.
Then you can go to any of these 3 places that I feel are the best to post your services.
#1 – Facebook groups that have a community of people that would find your services useful.
#2 – Fiverr.com
#3 -Upwork
I’ve used Upwork and I really like them.
And if you’re not sure what other people could hire you for, go to Fiverr or go to Upwork and look at what other people are getting paid to do to get some really good ideas.
Side Hustle Idea Ideas – #3 Post services on the NextDoor App
The third way to make some extra cash is to post your services on the Nextdoor app.
This is a new app that I’ve discovered and apparently I’m probably the last person on planet earth to discover it.
It feels that way when I talk about it because everyone I’ve talked to is on the Next-door app and I’m just learning about it.
So anyways, Nextdoor is an app you can download from your app store.
You basically create a profile and you put the street you live on and it connects you with your other neighbours in your neighbourhood and surrounding neighbourhoods.
It’s almost like a neighbourhood forum.
You can definitely get sucked into it but I love it because I’ve been able to get some really good recommendations and suggestions from my fellow neighbours.
What’s great about it is that you can post any services that you are available to do for anybody in your surrounding community and they get notified.
It’s a really good way if you maybe have a free weekend to pick up some extra cash.
Side Hustle Ideas – #4 Photography or Videography services
The fourth way to make some extra cash is offer your photography services or videography services.
Now you might be saying to yourself, “Well Gem I am not a photographer. I’m not a professional videographer, who would hire me for their services?”
And with that mindset, you’re right. No one would.
However, let’s change the mindset a little bit and let me help you with that.
So there are many people in your local hometown that have an influential brand.
Think of anyone that’s using social media right now to get their services out there.
Maybe they’re in Aesthetics or a hairstylist or a real estate professional.
They would probably love for somebody to come in for the day and do little videos that they could use in their Instagram stories or their Facebook stories of what it is that they’re doing.
A little behind the scenes, right?
So what if you made a list of some people you could call on and say, “Hey, I’m a local neighbour in your neighbourhood and I offer these services. Would love the opportunity maybe to grab a coffee and see if you need my services?”
Or… here’s my information, just give me a call when you need me.”
You don’t even need to start business cards for this one.
In Closing
If you’re struggling financially, things need to change and I’m pretty sure that’s something you’re willing to do.
And there’s so much opportunity around us that it’s easier than ever to create an extra stream of income.
Plus…most of these side hustle ideas can be done right from the comfort of your home.
This resource I created will show you with even more ways that you can start generating extra income so you can change your financial life!
Gemz 💎
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