Are you using a Network Marketing Funnel in your business to automate your sales and recruiting efforts?
Maybe you are or maybe you aren’t… Let’s just face it, if you don’t have systems and a funnel in place, you are going to exhaust yourself.
And that’s not the kind of business and life you signed up for.
Plus… isn’t it cool to create something that can bring you leads and sales 24/7 even while you sleep?
In this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to break down my marketing funnel and show you how it’s provided a crazy amount of automation and leverage and results in my business so that I can have a business and life that I love.
I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business. Since we’re talking about funnels for your business, I have a free training that will absolutely help you crush it when it comes to funnels in your world. If you want to see more of what I’m doing in my business to help you go through the steps in implementing a funnel for your business then you’ll want to register for this free training. No matter what business you’re in, if you need to attract clients or prospects and make sales, this training is going to be valuable for you. You can get registered by clicking on the yellow button above What exactly is a network marketing funnel? Okay… so some of you might not even know what a funnel is so I’m going to share exactly what it is and how it can benefit your business. My definition of a funnel is a step by step process that you put in place that your people and your viewers online go through so that you can help to filter, capture, and convert them into sales automatically. And just in case you’re wondering if this works or if it’s a viable option for your business…I’m going to say, heck yes! This is the asset that I’ve been using in my business since 2010 to help bring me prospects, leads, and sales 24/7 and has allowed me to consistently enroll 2 to 5 new teammates each and every week. It’s also helped me stay as a top producer inside of my network marketing team and to create a multi seven-figure brand and business online. Value comes first in a Network Marketing Funnel I’m going to go over and dissect what a funnel looks like and how it works so you can start to get some ideas for your business. There’s also some things that I do within my funnel that are a little bit different that will help you to make automatic sales which I know everybody wants. So let’s dive right into funnels… Let’s say you have a weight loss program, system or products that you want to sell, and that is a goal of yours. You want to think about creating something that would interest a person that wants to lose weight. I call these Freebies. I’ve you’ve been following me for a while then you’re familiar with my famous freebies, right? Every week, I put freebies together for people that have an interest in topics that will help them grow their skills and business. So what you’d want to do is think of creating one as well. You’re network marketing funnel will help you build trust faster Now, why would you even want to do this? Why would you not just ask for the sale direct into your product? Well, putting together a freebie and giving it away for free helps you to build trust and credibility with your audience. Your viewers who might not know that you exist so this way you build a valuable light in their world and it moves them closer to feeling comfortable to purchase something from you. It’s way better than saying, “Oh hey, come buy my stuff.” We all know people who do that and it doesn’t really inspire you to reach out into your wallet or purse and pull out your credit card right? If you do it the way I’m suggesting, it will move people closer to wanting to do business with you because they will feel that they got value from you and the law of reciprocity is in motion. Build your list faster with a network marketing funnel Now what a freebie also does is it helps you to build your list so you know who to follow up with because let’s just face it, most people don’t buy on initial contact. So you’re going to need to warm them up and follow up with them. And so when they request your freebie, they have to leave their name and email. This way you know who is interested in what you have to offer. Generate automatic sales with your network marketing funnel? Oh yes! So if you have a weight loss product…you now know you can connect with them and give them even more value and share your promotions and incentives that you’re doing. Because now you know who’s interested in the topic of weight loss versus just sending people straight to your company replicated website or your buy link and have no idea who’s clicking and who’s interested. You’ll also have a much higher follow up chance of converting these people that are interested in weight loss. If you do this right, you can experience automatic sales. I mean who doesn’t love automatic sales right? When somebody leaves their name and email and they say, “Oh, I’m really interested in knowing what those five foods are that can help me lose weight” Those are the people that you know want to lose weight and you’re giving them some value. Once they request that freebie from you, they’re going to see an offer to your weight loss solution which is going to be your product. You’ll have a link inside of that page that goes directly to your company replicated website. Now is the time to put your link because you’ve already collected their information so you know their interested and that you can follow up with them. This is a system I use and I love it. It not only works for me but also for my coaching clients and anyone that follows the steps I teach on how to build a network marketing funnel. Here’s a screenshot of one of my clients sent me on Voxer. Voxer is a communication app in case you’re wondering. She said, “Tanya, I don’t what happened but I got a sale! And I have 2 people that are interested in learning more about my products and my business!” So sure it works for me, but it can work for you as well. It’s worked for my coaching client Shannon and many of my students so I know it can definitely work for you too. How to use your Network Marketing Funnel Okay… this is the question that lots of people have. “I’ve got a funnel, but how do I get it out there and how do I use it?” Well, from now on, anytime you do a social media post or you do any videos on YouTube, Facebook lives, Instagram lives, whatever it is, your call to action should not be for people to go buy your stuff. It should always be, “Hey, if you’re interested in knowing what these four foods are that you need to incorporate into your next grocery store visit that will help you shed pounds fast, go to this link and put your name and email and you’ll immediately get these for free.” You’re going to be promoting your your free value that you’re dedicated to bringing to the marketplace before trying to sell stuff. Your sales will come as a result and they’re going to be on the back end inside of your funnel. When you’re out on social media you’re now giving value and your leading people into your funnel and you’re using your funnel as your call to action. If you pay attention to how I market online, this is exactly what I do and I do it because it works. Network Marketing Funnel – In Closing Did I get you excited at least a little bit about having your own network marketing funnel? I hope you’re excited about having a funnel working for you, 24/7 that brings you automatic sales and leads. If you want to see more of what I’m doing in my business to help you go through the steps in implementing a funnel for your business then you’ll want to register for my free training